Representation of a defendant who was charged for participating in a criminal organisation

Our firm represented the defendant who faced the charges of the following felonies: 1) participation in criminal organization, 2) illegal aid to third-country nationals who entered the Greek territory in violation of laws and directives on the conditions of entry and residence of third-country nationals, 3) illegal possession of third parties valid travel documents. The representation of the defendant took place before the investigating magistrate at the Athens Court of First Instance. After the termination of the interrogation 14 out of 18 defendants were temporarily imprisoned.

The defendant who was represented by our firm was released after the unanimous order of the investigating magistrate and the public prosecutor. The restrictions which were imposed on him were: 1) regular presentation at the Police Department of his residence and 2) ban on leaving Greece, instead of the temporarily imprisonment, which was imposed on the majority of the suspects.

(Criminal Case: Φ/2017/1363, Order No: 30/2017).

The mentioned criminal case preoccupied both the public and the press. The arrest of the defendants and the progress of the case in general, was published in the newspapers and news web sites.
